Our laser is about the size of a mechanical pencil, which is perfect for working within the confines of the mouth.
We have recently begun offering treatment of cold sores, canker sores and tooth sensitivity using a laser at our dental office. Dr. Nick and Dr. Jonathan received certification from the World Clinical Laser Institute to offer this emerging technology for our patients. Patients who begin to feel the tingling sensation of a forming cold sore, who have a canker sore currently or patients who find they have sensitivity to hot, cold, sweets or while brushing their teeth, may find almost immediate relief from laser treatment. While we cannot give a guarantee, some studies have shown that those suffering from a history of cold sores find that they don’t come back after the laser treatment.
The treatment is very fast. Using a diode laser manufactured by Biolase, your doctor will apply the laser to the affected tooth or place in your mouth. Patients may experience a slight warming sensation.
If you have any of the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to call the office or talk to your hygienist or doctor at your next visit. We are happy to answer any questions you have about laser treatment.
Teaching St. Johns Area Students about Dental Health
A student’s thank you note illustrating Dr. Nick’s demonstration of how to properly brush using our very own “Ally the Alligator.”
This month both Dr. Nick and Dr. Jonathan were able to visit area classrooms and teach children about taking care of their teeth. Doctors discussed with the children how nutrition can affect dental health and gave the students tips on how to care for their teeth, including brushing for two minutes twice a day and flossing. Thank you to Mrs. Casaletto’s Riley Kindergartners, Mrs. Daman’s St. Joe Bekindergartners and to St. Johns Little Wings/Adventure Club for having us!
Dr. Jonathan teaches children about dental hygiene at St. Johns Little Wings.